
Current and Recent Research

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Human Development, Economic Empowerment, and Discourses of Women's Security

book manuscript in progress

This project dissects the UN Security Council's Women, Peace, and Security agenda's implementation in three francophone West African countries: Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, and Mali. I demonstrate that the agenda's implementation is shaped by a number of factors, in particular a tension between "security," "peacebuilding," and "development" projects for women, not only in rhetoric but also in the programs designed to implement the agenda. Further tensions arise in the conflicting priorities of local women's organizations, national governments, and the international and transnational policy communities. The effects of these tensions are revealed through interviews with local NGO, government, and United Nations representatives as well as participant observation over nearly two years in West Africa. With insights from African feminism, my findings call into question the assumptions about women's roles in international security policies and the interrelation of actors in policy implementation. 

Gender and Conflict

textbook proposal in progress

A textbook for upper-level undergraduate class on Gender and Conflict. Full description to come.

Women, Peace, and Security

Feminist and Interpretive Methodologies

Genealogies of Women's Environmental Activism

I am developing a genealogy of women’s environmental activism, using two West African countries, Guinea and Senegal, to understand how and when women’s activism on environmental issues is successful and when it is instrumentalized. In other words, when is an international focus on the environment not a response to the environmental problems themselves but is instead used as a tool to achieve other goals? This project develops a theory of how the environment, like women’s issues, is simultaneously important and yet not central to the production and practices of international relations.

Public Scholarship